nood strives to be a responsible business, guided by company values.

Our emphasis is on environmental consideration, positive stakeholder relationships, and ethical and sustainable supply chains. We are guided by improvements that contribute to a healthy, sustainable planet and personal well-being.


Diversity &inclusion

We strive to make nood a place where we foster belonging and empowerment. Diversity, equity and inclusion are at the core of who we are.


Giving back

nood is passionate about giving back by partnering and supporting our local communities.



We are committed to energy efficiency and managing our impact on climate change.


Minimise environmental impact

nood is committed to reducing waste and maximising resources.

One step at a time

Community Planting

Our Christchurch head office team appreciate the opportunity to help with planting, weeding and general upkeep in a local reserve. We work with local bodies when ever we have a chance to do this.

Recycled Tote Bags

We had some spare sofa covers in our warehouse. To prevent these from going to landfill, we explored different re-purposing options and landed on the perfect solution - Tote Bags to take wherever you go!These bags were designed and made in Christchurch, using as much of the fabric as possible, resulting in unique bags in 2 sizes.
